Get After It
There's no time like the present to develop the right set of habits and routines necessary for you to live your best life. Don't put this off any longer. Your life isn't going to improve itself. Your goals aren't going to achieve themselves. And, guess what? YOU have the power to create the life you want. There's no magic life hack for this. You just need to get started.
Not sure how? No problem - just follow the 3 "first" steps below and you'll be on your way!
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the habit loop - learn about it
All habits - every single one - work the exact same way. There is a "cue" or something that initiates the habit. There is the "routine" or the set of actions (or thoughts) that follows the cue. And finally, there is the "reward" or the payoff. What fuels this loop is the craving for the reward. That's what keeps you coming back for more. Any of the components of the loop can be adjusted in order to start, stop or change a habit.
know yourself
Hear me and hear me good. The best thing you can do for yourself, as you start this journey of optimizing your habits and routines, is to understand how "you" tick. We all have certain quirks, personality traits and tendencies that makes us unique and the more we decipher what is true about ourselves, the better we are able to design the right systems to set ourselves up for success.
Here's an example:
Some people (most people, in fact) tend to be able to keep commitments that they make to other people better than they are able to keep commitments they make to themselves (Gretchen Rubin describes this in her book The Four Tendencies). If you are one of those people, outer accountability will be key to your success in your habit journey. This might look like finding an accountability partner, tracking your habits on an app or working with a habit coach. Anything that provides a sense of outward accountability will help this group of folks succeed.
leverage the right strategies (for you), then get after it!
Once you've fully assessed your tendency and your unique personality traits (early riser vs. night owl, starter vs. finisher, sprinter vs. marathoner) then you can begin to determine the habit strategies that will work best for you. The key phrase here is "for you" - not what works for your friend or your colleague who really seems to have it together, but for YOU.